
Eczema baby food points to note

Eczema is a common winter and spring allergic skin diseases. Mainly for skin red dot beans measles, miliary rash or herpes, accompanied by exudate, gray or yellow crusts formed after drying. After the scab fell off, revealing the red moist skin, intense itching, prone to infection, infants and young children is easy to suffer. Rash occurs in the limbs of the flexures, face, neck, hand, foot and back, scrotum, often symmetrically distributed. The two categories of sub-acute eczema and chronic eczema. Acute eczema often acute attack, rash pleomor, the boundary is not clear, itching, severe erythema, papules, blisters, boils, erosion exudate, crusting, and other clinical manifestations of chronic eczema and more acute eczema evolved. The rash is skin thickening and rough, lichen-like changes, scaling, pigmentation, rashes clear boundary, consciously itching. Often acute recurrent.
In order to combat eczema, in the diet should note the following:
Maximize the use of breast-feeding, generally speaking, human milk is likely to cause eczema, very few people can be caused by breast milk.
2, add a food supplement should be as little as a one kind to add, that the child slowly to adapt, but also to facilitate parents to observe what foods cause allergies.
3, has been suffering from eczema in children, should avoid or reduce the consumption of fish, prawns, crabs and other seafood products and a strong irritant food.
4, to the children eat light, easily digestible, and contains a rich vitamin and mineral characteristics of food, so you can adjust the infant's physiological function and reduce the allergic skin reaction.
5, to avoid the child is overweight, and obese children suffering from eczema more likely to be much larger.
6, according to temperature change of clothing. Child suck slapstick should be appropriate to reduce the clothing, wearing too much clothing and interior is too dry and are easy to make eczema worse.
7, some child care dry skin, especially in the winter, moisturizing care for such children should pay attention to the skin, you should try to reduce bathing frequency and time, avoid the use of alkaline soap, bath body rub skin care moisturizer on the skin, especially dry children can choose oily emulsion, but not sassafras oil.
For mild eczema, no need to let the children. To Jichi this. To Jichi that, should pay attention to the balanced diet, for which a serious condition recurrent impact on the daily sleep of life in children should try to find the allergen. Severe eczema attack, even if not allergic to shrimp, crabs and other protein foods should also be needy, so as not to stimulate aggravate the condition.
9, light grasping, friction, soap, hot water and inappropriate topical drugs to stimulate aggravate eczema, should be avoided.
10 more topical treatment of eczema, such as ointments containing zinc oxide or on the market sold some ointment. These drugs long-term use is generally no side effects. But the effects are relatively slow. Containing the active ingredients of the alcohol hormone of the corticosteroid topical treatment of eczema, rapid onset. Generally used in conjunction can not be more than one weeks For a few weeks of medication, to disable a few days, re-use. The addition also can be used in ointments containing corticosteroids plus skin oils or skin milk, play the role of dilution.
In short, as long as reasonable arrangements for the children's diet, with the necessary medication, eczema can be controlled and control. Even if the control is not satisfied with the extension of the weaning time, the eczema will gradually disappear.
Principles of diet
The diet should be light, should eat foods rich in vitamin B6, such as yeast, potatoes, chicken, beef liver, kidney, banana and so on. Walnuts, sunflower seeds, Torreya child, a small walnut, watermelon seeds and other foods rich in zinc and linoleic acid, can also eat. There are tea, apples, carrots, lean meat, eggs and so on can also be taken regularly. Cause eczema in children due to the milk, can change the eating of human milk or soy milk, etc., can also be the milk to boil several times to change the nature of its albumin and reducing their allergy or change limited to milk. Contraindications alcohol and tobacco.
Herbal Diet
1 red bean MI Ren Tang: red bean, MI Ren 30 grams of cooked rotten, sugar to taste, served on the 2nd, the children can be reduced or only eat soup, you can eat for some time.
2 lily soup, green beans: mung bean, lily dry 30 grams of soup to eat the right amount of sugar taken, served on the 2nd, you can eat for some time.
3 MI Ren water chestnut soup: raw MI Ren 5 g, water chestnuts 10 slice, boiled clothes, day 1, and even served 10 days.
60 g fresh sweet potatoes: fresh sweet potatoes, peeled Ji Zhi, and the residue mash, such as mashed, add vinegar and mix thoroughly, wrap the affected area, juice Beverage, once every 5 to 7 days.
5 6 grams of Longjing tea: Longjing, soak in boiling water to 50 ml, a little sugar, baby eczema may be daily in feeding, and even fed for 1-2 weeks.

Fresh reed rhizome juice: 100 g fresh reed rhizome Jizhi fed several times a day, even to feed about a week, can treat infant eczema.
7. Licorice mung bean soup: green beans 60 grams, 5 grams of licorice soup, eat green beans and soup, and halve the amount of children.
. Chixiaodou: Chixiaodou 10 g. Drying into powder; egg a tune into a thick paste, applied to the lesion. If the exudate, the Gason pollen deposited.

