
Salted duck egg help for eczema treatment

Chinese medicine, salted duck eggs in calcium, iron and other inorganic salt content-rich, calcium, iron than eggs, fresh duck eggs are high; salted duck Qingfei fire, yin fire down function is not preserved duck eggs than surpassed one chip, cooking cured Xie Li. Salted butter can cure children of which food plot, and topical can cure burns, another treatment for eczema is also helpful.

However, often bought on the market salty that he mixed with salt water and too much trouble. There is a simple method of making salted duck eggs, especially for the production of a small family. Production Methods: fresh duck eggs, do not use washing, prepare a small bowl of white wine, a dish of salt. Duck into the wine first moistened, then the two eggs become stained with salt. Container or plastic bag with a clean dress, a cool place to save. Two weeks later you can eat. If the place of longer, more important will be a little salty. Note that this method can not duck the points are above water, or easily broken. If the shell is dirty you can wipe gently with a white wine do.
After curing the duck, still has good nutrition. It is rich in fat, protein and amino acids needed by the body, there are many different minerals and essential trace elements and vitamins, and could easily be absorbed by the body.
Eczema patients can be made in accordance with the above method salted duck eggs. For adult patients with eczema, if the patient is wang body, but also suitable for eat, can Yin, down virtual fire. Eczema patients can often eat duck eggs, not only nutritious, but also for the treatment of eczema also have a good help.

